Custom Constructor, Types and Registries

There are several ways to customize how fields are generated from types in your application.

Custom Field Mapping

The most straight forward is registering custom field mappings into the global registry:

from marshmallow_annotations import registry
from ipaddress import IPv4Address
from some_extension IPAddressField

registry.register_field_for_type(IPv4Address, IPAddressField)

And now marshmallow_annotations will recognize IPv4Address hints as generating an IPAddressField.


Registrations don’t check for preexisting entries before being added, and it’s entirely possible to overwrite an existing registration. In some circumstances this may be useful however it may lead to hard to track down bugs.

For more complicated types, an entire scheme may be registered into the registry as well:

from myapp.entities import Game
from myapp.schema import GameScheme

registry.register_scheme_constructor(Game, GameScheme)
# alternatively:
registry.register_scheme_constructor(Game, 'GameScheme')

If more customized behavior is needed, field_factory and register are also exposed. field_factory is the decorator form of register so it will not be covered here. register accepts two arguments:

  1. The type to associate with

  2. A Field Factory, a callable that accepts:

    1. An AbstractConverter instance
    2. A tuple of type hints
    3. A dictionary of configuration values for the underlying field

And returns a fully instantiated marshmallow Field instance. For example, typing.List has a custom factory that resembles:

def _list_converter(converter, subtypes, opts):
    return fields.List(converter.convert(subtypes[0]), **opts)

Under the hood, register_scheme_constructor and register_field_for_type use generalized versions of such a converter, these are exposed as scheme_factory() and field_factory() and are availabe for use if needed.

Using a non-Global registry

Since mutable, global state doesn’t sit well with everyone it is also possible to use a non-global registry by creating your own instance of marshmallow_annotations.registry.TypeRegistry:

from marshmallow_annotations import DefaultTypeRegistry

my_registry = DefaultTypeRegistry()

It’s also possible to pass a dictionary that maps a type to a field factory into the initializer and pre-configure your registry instance with those types:

conf = {IPv4Address: field_factory(IPAddressField)}

my_registry = DefaultTypeRegistry(conf)

A specific registry instance can be attached to a scheme by declaring the registry field on the Meta options:

class MyScheme(AnnotationSchema):
    class Meta:
        registry = my_registry

Now this specific Scheme will derive fields from the mappings found in my_registry.

Custom Registry

If DefaultTypeRegistry isn’t meeting your needs, TypeRegistry is available for implementation as well.

Custom Converters

Another customization point is implementing your own AbstractConverter class as well to provide to schema definitions:

class MyConverter(AbstractConverter):
    # impl contract

class SomeSchema(AnnotationSchema):
    class Meta:
        target = MyType
        converter_factory = MyConverter