Source code for marshmallow_annotations.converter

from typing import AbstractSet, Union, get_type_hints

import marshmallow

from ._compat import _get_base, _is_class_var
from .base import (
from .registry import registry

NoneType = type(None)

def _is_optional(typehint):
    # only supports single type optionals/unions
    # as for the implementation... look, don't ask me
    return (
        hasattr(typehint, "__origin__")
        and typehint.__origin__ is Union
        and len(typehint.__args__) == 2
        and NoneType in typehint.__args__  # type: ignore

def _extract_optional(typehint):
    """Given Optional[X] return X."""
    optional_types = [t for t in typehint.__args__ if t is not NoneType]  # type: ignore
    return optional_types[0]

def should_include(typehint):
    return not _is_class_var(typehint)

[docs]class BaseConverter(AbstractConverter): """ Default implementation of :class:`~marshmallow_annotations.base.AbstractConverter`. Handles parsing types for type hints and mapping those type hints into marshmallow field instances by way of a :class:`~marshmallow_annotations.base.TypeRegistry` instance. :versionchanged: 2.1.0 Added non-public hook ``_get_field_defaults`` :versionchanged: 2.2.0 Added non-public hooks ``_preprocess_typehint`` and ``_postprocess_typehint`` """ def __init__(self, *, registry: TypeRegistry = registry) -> None: self.registry = registry def convert( self, typehint: type, opts: ConfigOptions = None, *, field_name: str = None, target: type = None ) -> marshmallow.fields.FieldABC: opts = opts if opts is not None else {} return self._field_from_typehint( typehint, opts, field_name=field_name, target=target ) def convert_all( self, target: type, ignore: AbstractSet[str] = frozenset([]), # noqa configs: NamedConfigs = None, ) -> GeneratedFields: configs = configs if configs is not None else {} for k, default in self._get_field_defaults(target).items(): configs[k] = {"missing": default, **configs.get(k, {})} return { k: self.convert(v, configs.get(k, {}), field_name=k, target=target) for k, v in self._get_type_hints(target, ignore) } def is_scheme(self, typehint: type) -> bool: constructor = self.registry.get(typehint) return getattr(constructor, "__is_scheme__", False) def _field_from_typehint( self, typehint, kwargs=None, *, field_name: str = None, target: type = None ): # need that immutable dict in the stdlib pls kwargs = kwargs if kwargs is not None else {} self._preprocess_typehint(typehint, kwargs, field_name, target) # sane defaults allow_none = False required = True missing = marshmallow.missing if _is_optional(typehint): allow_none = True required = False missing = None typehint = _extract_optional(typehint) # set this after optional check subtypes = getattr(typehint, "__args__", ()) if subtypes != (): typehint = _get_base(typehint) kwargs.setdefault("allow_none", allow_none) kwargs.setdefault("required", required) kwargs.setdefault("missing", missing) self._postprocess_typehint(typehint, kwargs, field_name, target) field_constructor = self.registry.get(typehint) return field_constructor(self, subtypes, kwargs) def _get_type_hints(self, item, ignore): """ Helper to gather typehints from entire MRO. :versionchanged: 2.2.0 Push filtering of typehints into this method, return type is now Iterable[Tuple[str, type]] """ hints = {} for parent in item.__mro__[::-1]: hints.update(get_type_hints(parent)) return [ (k, v) for (k, v) in hints.items() if k not in ignore and should_include(v) ]
[docs] def _get_field_defaults(self, item): """ Non-public hookpoint to read default values for all fields from the target """ return {}
[docs] def _preprocess_typehint(self, typehint, kwargs, field_name, target): """ Non-public hookpoint for any preprocessing of typehint parsing for a given field """ pass
[docs] def _postprocess_typehint(self, typehint, kwargs, field_name, target): """ Non-public hookpoint for any postprocessing of typehint parsing for a given field. """ pass