Source code for marshmallow_annotations.ext.attrs

from typing import AbstractSet, Iterable

from attr import NOTHING, Attribute, Factory

from marshmallow import missing, post_load

from ..base import GeneratedFields, NamedConfigs
from ..exceptions import AnnotationConversionError
from ..scheme import AnnotationSchema, BaseConverter

__all__ = ("AttrsConverter", "AttrsSchema")

__SENTINEL = object()

def _is_attrs(target):
    return getattr(target, "__attrs_attrs__", __SENTINEL) is not __SENTINEL

def _get_attr_from_attrs(attrs: Iterable[Attribute], name: str) -> Attribute:
    attrs = [a for a in attrs if == name]
    return attrs[0]

def _should_include_default(attr):
    if not attr.init:
        return False

    # an attrs factory cannot be copied over to a marshmallow field despite
    # marshmallow fields being able to accept a callable there because some
    # attrs factories accept the newly created instance as an argument
    # which is something marshmallow doesn't support

    # see following issue for mypy ignore
    return attr.default != NOTHING and not isinstance(  # type: ignore
        attr.default, Factory

[docs]class AttrsConverter(BaseConverter): def convert_all( self, target: type, ignore: AbstractSet[str] = frozenset([]), # noqa configs: NamedConfigs = None, ) -> GeneratedFields: self._ensure_all_hints_are_attribs(target, ignore) return super().convert_all(target, ignore, configs) def _get_field_defaults(self, target): return { a.default for a in target.__attrs_attrs__ if _should_include_default(a) } def _preprocess_typehint(self, typehint, kwargs, field_name, target): # while this seems contradictory to this converter, we need to # ignore attrs specific actions when a container type, e.g. a List[T], # contains a non-attrs manufactured type because this is recursively # called during schema generation. # however those types will still require an entry in the registry # is handled outside this converter if not _is_attrs(target): return attr = _get_attr_from_attrs(target.__attrs_attrs__, field_name) if attr.default != NOTHING: # default to optional even if the typehint isn't # but don't override the user saying otherwise kwargs.setdefault("required", False) kwargs.setdefault("missing", missing) def _postprocess_typehint(self, typehint, kwargs, field_name, target): # see _preprocess_typehint for details if not _is_attrs(target): return attr = _get_attr_from_attrs(target.__attrs_attrs__, field_name) if not attr.init: # force into dump only mode if the field won't be accepted # into __init__ -- even if the user told us otherwise kwargs["dump_only"] = True if attr.metadata: kwargs.update(attr.metadata) def _ensure_all_hints_are_attribs(self, target, ignore): # This would happen if an attrs handled class was subclassed by # a plain ol' python class and added more non-ignored type hinted # fields. In theory we could handle this but we won't hints = {k for k, _ in self._get_type_hints(target, ignore)} attribs = { for a in target.__attrs_attrs__ if not in ignore} if hints != attribs: raise AnnotationConversionError( f"Mismatched hints and attr.ibs. Got hints: {hints} " f"but attr.ibs {attribs}" )
[docs]class AttrsSchema(AnnotationSchema): """ Schema for handling ``attrs`` based targets, adds automatic load conversion into the target class and specifies the :class:`~marshmallow_annotations.ext.attrs.AttrsConverter` as the converter factory. """ class Meta: converter_factory = AttrsConverter @post_load def make_object(self, data): return**data)