
If you are using attrs, you can use the extension AttrsSchema to generate your schema.

attrs Extension Installation

This extension ships with marshmallow-annotations beginning in v2.2.0 and is available for import normally. You may specify marshmallow-annotations[attrs] as the install target to automatically install attrs along side marshmallow-annotations.

attrs Integration API

This extension modifies loading behavior to deserialize directly into instances of the target class. To handle automatic generation, you must specify your attr class to have the auto_attribs option to generate matching attr.ib instances from purely typehinted fields:

from datetime import timedelta
import attr
from marshmallow_annotations.ext.attrs import AttrsSchema

class Track:
    name: str  # no attr.ib -- attrs will generate one with auto_attribs
    length: timedelta = attr.ib(factory=timedelta)

class TrackSchema(AttrsSchema):
    class Meta:
        target = Track

serializer = TrackSchema()
loaded = serializer.load({"name": "Letting Them Fall"}).data
# Track(name="Letting Them Fall", length=timedelta(0))
# {"name": "Letting Them Fall", "length": 0}

The attrs integration makes a few changes to the normal assumptions the normal schema generation makes:

  • If an attr.ib has a default value (not a factory), it is put on the generated field as the missing value and the field is marked optional (though not allow_none).
  • If an attr.ib has a default factory, the field is marked optional but the factory is not moved to the generated field (this is despite that marshmallow fields can accept callables as missing, some factories accept the new instance as an argument and marshmallow cannot handle this).
  • If an attr.ib is passed init=False then the generated field is marked dump_only=True even if the Meta.Fields setting set it to dump_only=False since the instance constructor cannot accept this value.

It is possible to override the missing value and required=False by changing these in the Meta.Fields.

Beginning with v2.4.0, if metadata is provided to the attr.ib by its metadata argument, it will be propagated into the generated field. This metadata can be used by other projects such as apispec but is otherwise ignored by this library at this time.


If you use attrs to generate a class and then create a subclass not handled by attrs, this extension with throw an AnnotationConversionError if additional non-class level fields are added:

class SomeClass:
    x: int
    y: int

class SomeSubClass(SomeClass):
    z: int

Attempting to generate an AttrsSchema from SomeSubClass will fail as there is no matching attr.ib for z.

Provided Classes

class marshmallow_annotations.ext.attrs.AttrsConverter(*, registry: marshmallow_annotations.base.TypeRegistry = <marshmallow_annotations.registry.DefaultTypeRegistry object>) → None[source]
class marshmallow_annotations.ext.attrs.AttrsSchema(extra=None, only=None, exclude=(), prefix='', strict=None, many=False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial=False)[source]

Schema for handling attrs based targets, adds automatic load conversion into the target class and specifies the AttrsConverter as the converter factory.